Foot massage Dance of the Elements

„Let‘s kiss this earth we walk upon with our steps...“ (Ajeet Kaur)

Our feet are connected to the earth and the notion of grounding like no other part of our body.
They can be a strong portal for deepening the union of body and soul.
In our busy lives, most of our energy is bound in the mind and stress, worries, sleeping disorders and a disconnection from the body are the consequences.

In this massage, your loyal feet will receive gentle loving touch, which will have a harmonizing effect on your whole system.
After a cleansing foot bath ritual, your body elements will be balanced by nourishing, stroking, dynamic, deep and gentle movements
on the feet. (element model according to Avi Grinberg)

On demand, I can reflect upon how the elements are represented in your foot (foot analysis after the massage).
For example, a big water element can express itself through strong waves of emotions and fears or insecurities,
but may as well bring the potential of a very deep feeling for fine frequencies and strong empathy.

see times and prices